*** This is a mockup of the future CCO lobby webpage. ***
By playing on this CCO WebTiles server you agree to our Code of Conduct.
Please join our DCSS Crawl Cosplay 2.0 community discord server.
CCO Admins (Quinn & RoGGa) may be contacted via email at:cco @ crawlcosplay . org
For quick account or server issues, please contact Quinn or RoGGa in the CC discord server linked above.
Games on this server are recorded for in-progress viewing and playback. Chat messages might be logged, depending on the player's settings.
DCSS 0.32 (Latest Stable Version) (edit rc) | Custom seed 0.32 | Sprint 0.32 | Tutorial 0.32
DCSS trunk (Updates Daily) (edit rc) | Trunk custom seed | Sprint trunk | Tutorial trunk
View: games currently being played LIVE on this server.